Design Challenge – Bellfoundry Trust

MA Graphic Design and Visualisation students worked with Loughborough Bellfoundry Trust and Ginger Root Design on a design challenge to design a piece of graphic interpretation to capture where the Bellfoundry House once stood, and to showcase the history of the Taylor family and the Bellfoundry. 

The students worked in teams to create their ideas and showcased their work at a pitching presentation judged by Professor Phillip Lindley (Loughborough University) Alex Crabtree (Root Ginger) and LBT Heritage Engagement Officer Hayley Simons.

Speaking of the experience, Chrissie Van Mierlo, Museum Director explained that:

“We’re delighted to partner with Loughborough University as we usher in a new era for one of our town’s most important landmarks, a centre for traditional manufacturing skills and design innovation since 1859. It’s been a joy to work with staff and students from the School of Design and Creative Arts, with their talent and imagination opening up new creative possibilities for the future of the Bellfoundry’s heritage experience.”

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