Ford Fund Smart Mobility Challenge

This project is a collaboration with the Ford Motor Company Fund; Ford’s non-profit corporate foundation that leads and drives community investment and employee volunteer-related activities. The Ford Motor Company Fund aims to make people’s lives better in three key areas: Education, Sustainable Communities, and Safe and Smart Mobility.

Student teams from postgraduate and undergraduate programmes as well as doctoral researchers are asked to come up with a new idea that will help to create smart connected communities in the future, that make people’s lives better by shaping the way people live and move within their urban communities, whilst enabling and empowering them as individuals and citizens. The idea should enable people and goods to move freely, easily and safely, and provide access to essential resources, promoting connectivity, health and well-being, and green and clean energy efficient living.

There are awards to invest in the projects with the most potential, with winning teams in previous years being awarded more than £24,500 in funding towards helping to realise their ideas.

Debbie Chennells, Ford Fund Manager for Ford of Europe commented:

“We were really excited to see the concepts that students had come up with using their knowledge and creativity.

“It was clear from the presentations that a lot of hard work had been put into these ideas, and that many of the students possess an entrepreneurial spirit.

“I look forward to seeing what the future holds for our winning entries, and I think all of the students who took part should be extremely proud of themselves for designing such fantastic ideas during these challenging times.”

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