Final Project


Faded is a Video Installation Exhibition that follows the story of Cara as she stumbles across some of her old memories of her friend Winnie.

A series of 10 video experiences takes us back in time through Cara’s memories of her time with Winnie as she moves from one phase of life to another.

Video-Simulated Experiences

The videos take us back to Cara’s time starting a new apprenticeship, through vivid memories, distant feelings and thoughts, and looking back on memories as she notices how things fade and change over time

Inner Monologue

As we experience these flashbacks to Cara’s memories, we also read her current thoughts, reflecting on those times as she realises again what has happened and how everything changed so quickly.

Other Work

To My Friend was an exhibition made for the Translating Theory Into Practice module. This exhibition was centred around (fictional) artist Jules Mabez, as new artefacts and letters are discovered at his office. We are invited to walk through the undiscovered art, photographs, diary entries, and letters between Jules and a particular friend…

Echoes From The Other Side was a Place-Based Theatrical Piece put together with Alex Cornwell, Emma Botham, Jiayan Zhu, and Tom Gore. The audience is invited to take part in a séance at Harlaxton Manor, and possibly interact with spirits from The Other Side.

Unlock Campus Memories is an Interactive Soundwalk developed with Alex Cornwell, Amber Stevens, Christy Rutten, Emma Botham, Natsucha Lerdwattananon, and Yue Huang. Our six guides introduce us to the SDCA buildings, and talk us through memories around the campus.

Digital Storytelling: Creativity

Make! is based on my experiences as a “maker” of sorts. I tried to explain my thoughts and experiences when embarking on a personal project – from the first spark of creativity to the highs and lows of the making process.

Block. is a condensed form of the inner conversations I had with myself around the end of 2021 when I went through a creative burnout. The video is the view from my bedroom window at home late at night, and the script focuses on the frustration and confusion I felt.

Process? is reflective of my first few months as an undergraduate. It wasn’t until right before I had graduated that I realised that the “process” wasn’t a set of rules, but rather a framework that would be developed over time when working with new groups and new people.

Education and Experience

  • B.Des, Human Centered Design (2021)
    • Internship – The Clique, Bengaluru
    • Apprenticeship – Ogilvy-Pennywise, Bengaluru


  • Interaction Design, Game Design
  • Absurdism, The Unreliable Narrator
  • Story: Illustration Across Media, Illustration for Communication
  • Visual Storytelling, Digital Storytelling, Place-Based Theatre and Storytelling
  • Translating Theory into Practice

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers