As an empathetic UX designer, I am always willing to accept new challenges to gain further knowledge. I enjoy communicating and working with different teams. I believe that user-centered solutions are the most valuable digital resources for the future.
Final Project
Exploring the effectiveness of the multi-modal interaction in reducing driving distraction, compared with current touchscreen-based interaction, and users’ preferences about the combination of ways to complete secondary tasks.
This research is based on the design thinking process and user-centered design principles.In the process of exploring the users’ preferences about the combination, I used the user-elicitation and guessibility method to gain a user-driven and intuitive interface.
Users prefer to use voice commands to define tasks and then use gesture commands for further actions. The gestures they chosen were based on their life experiences and mental model. Audio feedback was essential in ensuring usability and reducing workload in this modality. The experiment showed that this modality was beneficial in reducing visual and cognitive distraction with high usability as well as acceptance.
This video showed the actual process how users will use this combined modality to complete these four common-used secondary tasks: temperature adjustment; volume adjustment; switch songs; destination setting.
Visionary Thinkers
Visionary Creators
Visionary Makers