Jialing Jiang

I am passionate about research and delivering viable and creative solutions, working in teams to help clients solve problems and achieve business goals. I specialise in UX design and have client experience in B2B projects.

Wedsavers | Master’s Major Project

Wedsavers is a service for British couples between the ages of 20 and 35 who want to save time and money on their wedding planning by gaining wedding inspiration rapidly and purchasing decoration goods through generative AI technology.

Wedsavers encourages users to purchase eco-friendly and second-hand wedding products in order to reduce the environmental impact of the wedding.

Wedsavers provides a stress-free and guilt-free wedding shopping experience filled with inspiration.

More info on my website https://jialingux.info/

After couples upload the venue’s photo, specify their aesthetic preferences, and pick a budget, Wedsavers employs AI (generative AI technology) to provide them with an inspiring wedding decoration image.

Users can then make appropriate purchases based on the shoppable images. In just a couple of hours, couples can find all they require for their wedding decorations at a low cost.

How does the behaviour change design work?

The Fogg Behavior Model analyses human conduct and states that Motivation, Ability, and Prompt must coincide for a behaviour to occur.

Couples go to Wedsavers to get quick wedding inspiration (Motivation), and find that they can use AI to quickly generate a picture of the wedding venue and buy the items in the picture at a discount (Ability), so they start shopping. As shown in the image above, the website naturally reminds users to buy eco-friendly or second-hand goods to get discounts during the purchase process through the top bar, switch, card and other components. (Prompt)

How to keep the Wedsavers running?

Wedsavers is a B2C model. Sponsorship is obtained via collaborating with wedding hotels, with the production of rich venue photos of partner hotels being prioritised as an example.

Furthermore, as an eco-shop, Wedsavers will collaborate with NGOs and the government to reduce the extra waste generated by weddings in the United Kingdom. Much of the products in the warehouse may be reused by encouraging users to buy secondhand and allowing Wedsavers to recycle wedding supplies, resulting in a more sustainable business model.

Interested to know more about the project’s design process and the story behind it?

Please click https://jialingux.info/Wedsavers

Other Work

Industry Project | SCS Post-purchase Redesign

In order to reduce customers’ cancellations of sofa orders, our team created an appealing and straightforward self-service solution for SCS’s post-purchase journey.

Intern Project | OSD DASH

OSD DASH is a one-stop data platform for outbound business, aggregating data from sales, warehouse, and transport departments and providing highly transparent logistics data and order information to improve the operation team’s data collection and customer complaint handling.

Service Project | Bihome

Bihome is a service for residents in poor mental health to improve their mental health while also enhancing the green coverage and biodiversity in each 15-minute neighbourhood.
More info at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuGYv7UbzXU


  • 2021 Design Day Marathon Excellent Award


UX Designer Intern | Bosch | 2022
My primary role as a UX consultant where I supported the different departments in Bosch China to make digital transitions, such as the logistics department. I was entrusted to support design work from discovery to delivery individually but also have experience working in cross-functional teams of varying sizes and organizing hackathon activities.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers