Juncheng Long

I'm a UX designer with a background in product design and a mastery of service design theory and process. I am looking forward to delving deep into the healthcare industry and integrating gamification into it.

Final Project

FunFitness: Workout Motivational Services for Minorities

FunFitnes is a service that provides fitness guidance and accessible fitness spaces aimed at helping minorities who want to engage in exercise generate motivation to participate in exercise for the long-term and build self-efficacy in fitness areas.

It is designed to provide:

A fitness buddy communication and sharing platform
Gamified fitness processes and feedback
AI real-time feedback and accessible fitness spaces

Gamification and Cultural Considerations for Inclusive User Experience

Based on the theory of gamification design, the service provides a channel for minorities who want to lose weight through exercise and helps them build intrinsic motivation and meet their emotional needs. At the same time, it considers the cultural environment to help them integrate into the local fitness culture. On the other hand, for groups with special needs, exclusive services are provided to improve user accessibility.

Positive Feedback and Simplified Interface Design

To help users develop healthy behaviours, our service has incorporated gamification elements such as badges and rankings into the interface design. By visualizing user achievements and providing positive feedback, we can encourage users to engage with fitness and adopt healthier habits.

The service’s interface has been simplified by retaining only the functions most directly related to users and designing pages according to users’ visual priorities. This allows us to help users quickly adapt to our service and achieve their goals efficiently.


Funfitness Touchpoints: Empowering Users to Achieve Their Fitness Goals

The main touchpoints of the service are the Funfitness Mirror Space (in collaboration with fitness centers), App, and flash events. These touchpoints link users with stakeholders to ensure the normal operation and value creation of the service. The main stakeholders are local gym, local fitness enthusiasts, gaming companies, sports research institutions, and charitable organizations, all of whom contribute to the service. This reflects the systemic nature of the service, which operates like a network of bridges that bring everything together to help users cross the river.

Funfitness’s Wonderful Journey

Encourages minority groups to generate more internal motivation to stick to long-term participation in exercise and build confidence in their abilities and appearance. Helping them Overcome the barrier of local fitness culture and lack of motivation.

Other Work

Magic Forest

Magic Forest is an interactive design that promotes users to change bad clothes-hanging habits through gamification design. Set the target behavior as the goal of completing the task. When the target behavior is achieved once, a magic tree will be obtained as success feedback, providing users with more positive feedback.


An app that works as a connection between museums and visitors aiming to create on-going experiences through collecting stickers and bringing museums to life. To use the online social intervention, the sticker creation, is a trigger to engage young generation to go to local museums and encourage on-going experiences and revisit.

BiHome – Bonding the Community Through Nature

This service not only can improve the mental health of residents, but also improve green coverage areas and biodiversity in town. These are supported by three key measures. First, Bihome uses green therapy help user to reduce stress. Secondly, Bihome connects people through planting. Thirdly, Bihome encourages people to share the plants in the outside world.


  • Excellent Award of China Universities Industrial Design Competition 2020(China)
  • 1st place of 8th National College Digital Art & Design Awards(China)
  • 1st place of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award(China)


As a UX service designer, my primary responsibility was to ensure that users had the best possible experience when using a product or service. I have experience conducting market research, developing UX strategies, designing user interfaces, and conducting user testing to optimize designs. With a background in product design, I am able to better implement services. My ultimate goal is to increase customer loyalty, boost brand value, and drive business growth by creating exceptional user experiences.

About Work:
Suzhou CHY Design Group – Product Designer – 2 years
Suzhou Shengze Education – Art Teacher – 3 years

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