Mehak Verma

A self-starter and inquisitive individual. My work ethic is to apply my understanding of user experience & human behavior and back it with extensive research. I like solving problems at the intersection of Design, Research & Technology. I am a learner and a creative problem solver with an ability to collaborate, communicate, execute, and revise well.

Final Project

VR Coach: Enhancing Employment Confidence

This study explores how VR technology can be a powerful tool for training and strengthening the interpersonal skills required for successful job interviews and public speaking engagements.

Research Questions

1. To compare the effectiveness of different feedback strategies on
confidence for interview training. (summative and formative

2. To what extent does feedback strategy effectiveness vary
depending on cognitive load?


1. Conduct semi-structured interviews to gather qualitative data on participants’
mindsets about confidence and the problems they face while giving interviews

2. Compare and test various feedback strategies to measure their effectiveness
in improving participants’ confidence

3. Design and develop an effective VR prototype that feels immersive and
realistic and test its cognitive load.

Semi Structured Interviews


The research started with the Empathize stage, directed
towards understanding the users’ needs and pain points.
For this semi- structured interviews were conducted.

Semi-structured 15-minute interviews were conducted, with a small
number of participants, to understand the pain points they face whilst
giving interviews and whether they see a potential in VR for training

Affinity Analysis


The “Define” stage emerged as a pivotal stage within the design
thinking process.

A strategic thematic analysis was orchestrated with a top-down
orientation with pre existing codes.
a) confidence b) feedback c) interpersonal skills d) engagement
e) pain points

Participant Workshop


This stage involved a collaborative and brainstorming-driven
approach to ideation. A participant workshop was conducted,
with 4 participants, to finalise the feedback methods for the VR
coach to minimize cognitive load

This exploration covered a wide range of aspects, such as the type of feedback
mechanisms, the timing of feedback delivery, and how users would interact with
the feedback.

Some of the results found were:



The “Define” stage emerged as a pivotal stage within the design
thinking process.

A strategic thematic analysis was orchestrated with a top-down
orientation with pre existing codes.
a) confidence b) feedback c) interpersonal skills d) engagement
e) pain points

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers