Bingyu Yan

As a service designer, I center on enhancing people's daily lifestyle. I relish in engaging with individuals, collaborating on designs. My forte in systematic thinking and orchestrating stakeholder interests which makes me value the tangible impact of design.

Final Project


PrepVitality is a pre-pregnancy Health Enhancement Service. It helps women who are planning their pregnancy with health and confidence.

By provision of pre-pregnancy health advice and habit formation activities
and opportunities to meet peers.


Preconception health is crucial for successful pregnancies. It boosts fertility, reduces birth risks, and ensures healthier pregnancies. Managing health conditions and adopting a healthy lifestyle contribute to positive outcomes for parents and babies.

Key features

I believe there is an opportunity to design a service for women who are preparing to become pregnant but lack the awareness of what and how to make behaviour changes to improve preconception health.

To support them in accessing professional but also personalised information.helping them finding peers and easing anxiety

So that they can enter the new phase in a more relaxed and confident way and also create a healthier lifestyle or themselves and their baby.

Design method

I always collaborate with stakeholders during the design process, iterating on features and goals.


Service demo video


  • IDA 2020, Bronze, Design For Society-Design, 02/2021
  • Excellent Graduation Design issued by School of Art and Design, Beijing University of Technology, 07/2020


Undergraduate background in industrial design. One year of experience as an interaction designer at a game company. Made me good at providing integrated solutions.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers