Jiayi Li

I'm Jiayi Li, an artist who started with public art and later pursued graduate studies in graphic design. My research centres on the innovative realm of psychotherapeutic game design.

Final Project

<Escape Room Games>

HELLO. This is an innovative escape room game that blends culture shock with gamification elements to help international students mitigate the challenges of culture shock.

3D UI Design

The study goes on to detail the development and design of a culture shock escape room game that fosters cross-cultural understanding and resilience. The interviews with students underscore the positive impact of the game on students’ culture shock experiences.

3D UI Design

This study is exploring gamification’s potential as an innovative and efficacious approach to ameliorating the impact of culture shock among international students.

<Web Showcase>

This is a computer-based game interface that predominantly showcases the complete 3D model.

<Game Guide>

These are the instructions for collecting clues for the game to help players understand and complete the game successfully.

Other Work


  • A Design Award and Competition Bronze Award


I have a diverse background in art, with a foundation in public art. I furthered my education by pursuing a graduate degree in graphic design, where my primary focus is conducting research in the field of psychotherapeutic game design. This unique journey has provided me with a wide range of skills and perspectives, allowing me to approach design and therapy in innovative ways.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers