Phoebe Edwards

Phoebe, having studied as a BA fine artist, has expanded her skillset into web design, & digital illustration. Well versed in the Adobe software, she now is pursuing a career that provides the freedom to seamlessly merge artistic expression with design.

Final Project


The name brand name ‘MiniSwap’ originates from combining the words ‘minimalism’ and ‘swapping’.

The project aims to raise awareness about the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion, encourage sustainable fashion practices, and empower individuals to make informed choices. Its value lies in fostering a community of conscious consumers and inspiring positive change in the fashion industry.

The project addresses concerns related to textile waste, unsustainable consumption, and the environmental and labor impacts of fast fashion. It focuses on encouraging the adoption of sustainable behaviours, emphasising clothing reuse, ethical consumption, and community involvement. By employing concepts like circular economy, mindful consumption, and design activism, the project utilises initiatives such as sustainable fashion shows and clothing swaps to reshape perceptions of clothing’s disposability, ultimately aiming to foster sustainable fashion habits and cultivate an environmentally conscious community.

Live Clothing Swap Event

The Live Clothing Swap Event was a small-scale clothing swap that was located in the Loughborough Students Union. The aim was to encourage students to donate to the swap and share clothing. These images show the live event, printed material features, and the layout of the event space.

Sustainable Swap Kit

The MiniSwap Sustainable Swap Kit makes it easy for students to develop their own swap events. It is as simple as scanning the QR code to access digital and printed media, printing, cutting them out, and then reusing for the next swap! The packing has used a mock up to create a 3D visualisation of the intended packaging.

The Sustainable Swap Kit includes a range of resources to help students plan, organise, and set up their clothing swap. This makes it easier for students that may not have skills in event organisation or graphic design.

Sustainable Fashion Show Participant

Phoebe participated in a garment makers competition which then became part of her research. The event took place in the Loughborough Students Union and was set up by Rachel Curtis. The category Phoebe entered was the re-purpose, this involved taking unconventional materials, such as, bin bags and creating something new. The garment used a mix of bin bags and cardboard that she found in her university room.

Introduction: MiniSwap Sustainable Swap Kit and App Visualisation

This video provides an introduction to the features, functions and purpose of the MiniSwap sustainable swap kit and app visualisation. The video is targeted at students to explain that there is a new method to share and swap clothing. It is inspired by the fashion revolution! The MiniSwap YouTube page also includes crafting content to provide educational videos on mending, making and materials.

Other Work

Social media, such as, Instagram was used to create awareness of the upcoming events, especially for the Live Clothing Swap event. Reels, posts, highlights and stories were created to keep the MiniSwap community informed of whats happening.

The MiniSwap Sustainable Swap Kit makes it easy for students to develop their own swap events. It is as simple as scanning the QR code to access digital and printed media, printing, cutting them out, and then reusing for the next swap! The packing has used a mock up to create a 3D visualisation of the intended packaging.

The visualisation of the MiniSwap app aims to provide details on events, methods to sign up for a trading box, and include a range of educational resources to help educate sustainable clothing methods.

The QR code inside the Sustainable Swap box leads to editable content once scanned. The content can be changed to suit the user and the needs of their event.

Users can earn badges or levels based on their points, showcasing their commitment to sustainable fashion, and encouraging a sense of accomplishment. Provide users with detailed reports on the environmental impact of their swapping activities, showing the positive difference they are making with their sustainable choices.

Social media platforms, such as, YouTube were utilised to create a space where students can learn new skills in ‘making, mending and materials’. This page also offers promotional content on the Sustainable Swap Kit.


  • Graduated with BA in Fine Art
  • MA in Graphic Design and Visualisation


Phoebe has been working as a freelance fine artist for many years, creating bespoke oil paintings for clients and small galleries, such as, Visual Art Network, Shrewsbury. Furthermore, she has been working on creating a portfolio of graphic design work by taking on small projects for clients. Phoebe also has experience working in industry, including an internship in web design/development for Beta Booster and a short term internship in booklet design and printed marketing for 1284.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers