Qianyi (Dovey) Gu

Qianyi is a passionate and capable graphic designer having studied Environmental Design as a bachelor degree and since worked as a Graphic Designer & Archictect Assistant. Now she is eager to become a freelance illustrator of children's picture books.

Final Project


In contemporary society, digital books have brought about a significant influence on the world of literature. They have emerged as a novel reading resource for the young generation, progressively supplanting traditional print books. Printed books need close scrutiny in terms of what they can offer the reader in the light of “ditties and jingles” associated with e-books. This project advocates that paper picture books should be designed in a tangible manner, emphasizing the interaction between text and image. Children’s literary experience will be enhanced by developing a new appreciation for printed books through this study.

Theme and Conceptualization

The design journey started with a meticulous selection of the theme and concept of the book. The crux of survival in visual works depends on whether they possess the energy to move others and to smoothly convey the information behind them. So I hope this book will also tell an original amazing fairy tale, based on the natural laws of celestial phenomena and the origin of the star Venus. 

I hope to convey to children the following message: Instead of immersing themselves in digital devices with their heads down, it is imperative for them to look up at the sky and read books about the vast universe full of its various magnificent stars. 


In terms of materials, the book is crafted from readily available and environmentally friendly materials such as paper, cardboard, and book cloth. These choices align with sustainability and printing requirements. Regarding the binding technique, the utilization of hardbound book binding simplifies production while staying true to the author’s vision of drawing children’s attention to the book’s content.


Regarding the development of illustrations, a deliberate choice of materials was made. Acrylics were employed for painting backgrounds, providing a unique texture through brushwork. For characters and finer details, acrylic markers and fine-liner pens were used, with paper cutouts to combine backgrounds and details in a collage-like manner.

To capture the ethereal and enigmatic essence of the sky, thereby infusing a fairytale atmosphere, the illustrations within this book employ intensely saturated and vivid hues. This deliberate use of vibrant hues enhances the dreamlike quality and the element of fantasy present in the narrative.

Book Cover Design

In contrast to pop-up books, traditional paper books typically lack interactivity. To address this, I introduced interactive elements within the book cover itself rather than the pages, ensuring the book would stand out from competitors. A paper turnplate was ingeniously incorporated into the cover design, enabling readers to rotate it.

The rotation reveals the transition between day and night and subtle hints regarding the end of the little star, capturing children’s attention, increasing their engagement. This touch of interactivity and playfulness effectively entices children to engage with the traditional paper book format.

Other Work


Ancient Architecture Designer Assistant – Shuishi, Suzhou  1 year

I participated in several projects, including the conservation plan for the historic streets in Gunan Block, which won the Asian Awards for Architecture 2021. I devoted myself to studying architecture history, regional history, and social environment related to the projects, negotiated with the team, and produced conceptual design plans.

Graphic Designer – Zhonghongsheng, Suzhou  1 year

With a great passion for graphic design, I changed my career to a graphic designer. One part of my job was visual identity design. The outcomes were carried out successfully by analyzing customer demands, disassembling visual style, and analyzing corporate characteristics in order to enhance publicity. 

What’s more, it was also my responsibility to cooperate with the architectural department and dig deeply into the history, culture and humanistic features of the region where the museum was located, or the corporate culture and core concept of the customer company in order to conduct the exhibition hall wall design.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers