Sam Pool

Versatile UX and Service Designer with a rich filmmaking background, adept at weaving compelling narratives into digital experiences, ensuring user-centric designs that resonate and engage.

Rethinking the way we characterise and articulate energy retrofits towards homeowners


Your key to a greener home

Efficia bridges the gap between homebuyers, energy efficiency, and eco-friendly financing, simplifying the journey towards a greener home. Designed to integrate seamlessly into renowned property portals like Rightmove, it provides a fresh, greener lens on properties, illuminating their energy potential, and offering actionable insights for sustainable living and financing options.

Paving the way for sustainable living

In the backdrop of the UK’s environmental crisis, amplified by an aging housing stock, emerges Efficia—a beacon of innovative design at the intersection of technology and sustainability. This project aimed to provide a viable solution to the dual challenge: an alarming rate of CO2 emissions from homes and the skyrocketing costs homeowners face due to energy inefficiencies.

Undertaken in collaboration with a fast-paced Norwegian startup, Efficia is the embodiment of agile design, bolstered by in-depth research. By delving deep into the world of green financing and retrofitting, the project identified a unique opportunity within the homebuying process. It proposed a service that not only eases the process of home retrofitting but also aligns with the interests of banks, thus stimulating the flow of green finance.

Journey & evolution

Throughout the development of Efficia, the tools of User-Centered Design and Iterative Prototyping were essential compasses guiding my voyage. The project saw me navigate through three transformative stages of user testing, evolving from an ambitious conceptual scope to a laser-focused solution. Direct feedback from homebuyers deeply informed and enriched my design process, illuminating the essential pivot from breadth to depth.

A significant challenge during Efficia’s lifecycle was the intricate landscape of energy retrofitting, laden with myriad variables and set against the backdrop of the UK’s cost of living crisis. Marrying behavioral science with design, against the dynamic tapestry of regulatory changes and financial fluctuations, required a blend of tenacity and adaptability. My response? Embracing tools like gigamaps to craft a holistic, bird’s-eye view and then zoning into niche areas, seeking impactful change.

Collaboration & influence

Collaborative dialogues significantly enriched Efficia’s evolution. Engaging with a representative from Rightmove crystallized the project’s business feasibility. Meanwhile, insights from an energy specialist added layers of precision and reliability, crucial for a project where facts and figures held sway.

Throughout this journey, my thinking has been deeply influenced by Val Mitchell, whose expansive work in the retrofit realm provided a solid foundation. Our interactions, along with the methodologies of her colleagues, paved the way for rigorous and relevant research.

Aspirations & values

Beyond Efficia, my aspirations remain rooted in sustainability. I’m eager to explore diverse projects that resonate with purpose, be it green finance, renewable energy, or any sphere that addresses the planet’s pressing concerns. The magnetic pull isn’t restricted to a specific niche but is towards impactful initiatives that present exciting challenges and meaningful change.

As a master’s student in UX and Service Design, my mantra is clear: design solutions that seamlessly integrate functionality with purpose, and innovation with empathy. I believe design should be more than just aesthetic or utility; it’s about crafting experiences that touch individuals on a personal level while contributing positively to our global ecosystem.

Other Work

ScS (Industry Project)

Project Manager for industry project group work for ScS, in response to the brief: ‘Deliver a digital experience in a physical environment that excites, inspires and drives sales.’ We introduced a multifaceted service for ScS, featuring a Sales Assistant Tool for personalised consultations, a Home Style Assessment quiz for tailored furniture selections, and an Immersive VR Experience for real-time previews of home transformations.

WeGrow (Service Design)

Next-gen service platform that links farmers with end customers through a sponsorship scheme that is easy, free and flexible.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers