Thomas Povey

I am a UX and service designer who is focused on big picture creativity and system thinking, to create meaningful designs that benefit both the user and the wider ecosystem.

Final Project


Inter-Town is a Local Council run service that allows for an easier application / letting process and reduced cost to set up shops and pop-up locations in UK town centres. This service will mean that shopper and the local community will have a more vibrant high street with more choice.

Inter-Town was developed through primary user prototyping and also system mapping of the town centre, taking into consideration other stakeholders in the local town centre.

Advertising that makes a difference

As part of the Inter-Town service, vacant shop spaces will be used for advertising and display purposes. These adverts will let users know about the service and will also show old photos of the town to highlight change in the town and make existing shops stand out.

After initial rounds of primary research, it was found that one of the users main concerns with a town centre was the visual appearance and the amount of empty shops. Using this as an opportunity, I created advertisement pieces with vibrant colour to add value to the town centre making users appreciate their town and also providing access to the service.

Showing who is out and about

To bring users together in the town centre the Inter-Town app notifies you when people within your social circle are in the town centre at the same time as you, allowing you to set up meetings in local social spaces.

This idea came about through primary research and mapping peoples shopping behaviour over a one week period. From this I was able to see that people in the same social circles were visiting the town centre at the same time but not interacting. With this feature they will be able to see who is local and take social opportunities that they originally weren’t aware of, with the aim of driving increased use of local amenities and increasing spend for local shop owners.

Building the ecosystem

The functionality of Inter-Town is built within a self sustaining ecosystem which will be headed by Local Councils. As a designer it was important for me to utilise the pre-existing stakeholders and touch points to make sure that Inter-Town is feasible and applicable to towns up and down the UK. Inter-Town utilises stakeholders such as marketing teams, shop fitters, local social spaces, existing shops and their owners to make a habitable environment for new shops and their owners to thrive.


Circle is an app aimed at multigenerational families who struggle with being energy efficient due to the mixture of routines and habits. Circle will provide members of the family individually with AI suggested activities, to reduce their energy consumption.

From completing tasks users will get points and will be able to view progress compared to other members of the household. Different tasks will give users differing amounts of points depending on the difficulty of the task.

Users will also be able to view the money that has been saved by completing the tasks and also set a goal that they can work towards. Users are also able to look at friends pots of tasks they have done as well as sharing their own progress.


Circle is an app aimed at young professionals moving into shared accommodation. Using data from smart home devices it will be able to give the user feedback on the safety of their home, including if doors are unlocked or windows left open.

Users that exhibit good behaviour when it comes to home safety will be rewarded with points that they can use to claim rewards. These include discounts on popular brands.

From demonstrating good home safety behaviour users will get a discount on their contents insurance premium, as well as additional points for continual good behaviour.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers