Yu-Tung Hung

Yu-Tung (Tiffany) is a graphic design student with an industrial design background. She has experience in UI/UX and visual identity design. Tiffany's passion for design fuels her desire to further develop her skills in UI and graphic design.

Final Project

Food for Thoughts

Food for Thoughts is a project that allows you to step out of your regular eating experience, exchange and explore the cuisine of different cultures. By breaking the user’s routine and spicing up the dietary habits, the user will be able to get used to different cultural foods and gradually explore different cultures.

The Ethnic Food Passport

Write down your cultural cuisine experience and exchange it with other users, or just simply keep it as your food travel journal. Using the mobile app’s instructions, the user will be able to transform their journal experience into a postcard which can then be exchanged with a randomly assigned penpal.

The personal profile page (phone screen) shows the food journey travel distance and the number of successful experiences exchanged. The passport content is made with Adobe InDesign and Pixeden mockup. For the full passport, see Issuu.

Spice Map

The spice map allows the user to record their food experience journey, visualising people’s interests of exploring spices from different cultures. When creating the map, the user can also smell the fragrance of the spices, enhancing the memories through this multi-sensory experience, whilst also leaving a trace of the scent within the paper.

Simply sprinkle the spices on the provided handmade paper, then trace the silhouette to create the unique geographic land outline. The user can expand the realm by adding new spices. Every time the user adds new territory on the map, they can name it with the characteristic or their impression of the spice. This outlining idea is inspired by a social media trend of using rice to make a fantasy map.

Cultural Probes Research Visualisation

A collage of research probes result. [Risograph]
During the research, cultural probes were used to collect participants’ insights toward cultural foodstuff. Using photovoice as one of the methods, participants responded to questions using photography. After the analysis of the answers, a collage zine was made to visualise their responses using a risograph printer.

Spice Map Instruction Video

A walkthrough instruction of creating your own Spice Map.
The map uses handmade paper made from reclaimed paper pulp and mixed with dried plants; and printed with letterpress and stencil ink. Its heavy tooth allows the spices to more easily be held in the paper’s texture. The user can also choose to exchange the map instead of the postcard and try to recreate their exchanged map.

Other Work

Been You

“Been You” is a mental health chatbot designed for patients who require long-term hemodialysis. Developed using an AI chatbot, this project spans one year, serving as a practice in service design using LINE developers and Figma.


Mediterest is an innovative start-up enterprise that aims to bridge the medical professions and the public. The founders wanted a stylish visual that showed their proficiency in a direct but fanciful manner.

Visionary Thinkers

Visionary Creators

Visionary Makers